If you have problem skin, even a gentle cleanser can be a problem. Here's why.
The top layer of your skin (called the epidermis) is actually thinner than plastic food wrap over most of your body The top part of this skin layer is an even thinner but very important area called the "stratum corneum". In healthy skin, this "stratum corneum" is the skin's protective moisture barrier. Your natural moisture barrier protects you in two ways. First, it stops water from leaving your skin. Second, it stops bacteria, chemicals, pollution, and other nasty things from entering your skin. Keeping your natural barrier intact keeps your skin soft, smooth, supple and healthy looking. Disturbing or removing this barrier can cause the skin to lose its natural water and become dry, irritated and unable to defend itself.
Many gentle skin cleansers may not be gentle on the skin's natural moisture barrier Ironically, many of today's "gentle" liquid cleansers contain chemicals that can actually strip away the skin's natural protective layer. Does your gentle cleanser contain these barrier-harming ingredients: "sodium sulphate detergents", lauramide DEA (a foaming ingredient), paraben preservatives, or artificial colouring agents? Read more of this post