Your Medical Guide

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Your Medical Guide

Don't throw that teabag

Posted: 19 Dec 2011 09:18 PM PST

Next time you're done with drinking your tea, don't throw away the leaves or the teabag, whichever you use.

I believe if you can recycle something, you're doing yourself a favor. So you could have literally knocked my skin-colored toe socks off when I read a longish list of fifty plus uses for tea bags.  I don't want to flood you, so I am only presenting twenty ways. If you're hungry for more, just ask!

Teabags chip in as cleaning material and make a great addition to your first aid kit, as you're about to see
Now, hang on to your seat belts and let's go! 
  1. To clean musty or dirty carpets, sprinkle dry used green tea leaves on the carpet. Leave on for ten minutes and vacuum it.
  2. Polish wood furniture by dipping a soft cloth in a little black tea and wipe the tables, chairs and other wooden furniture.
  3. Tea bags are great for cleaning mirrors as they easily get rid of finger marks and other blemishes and make it shine

Read the rest of my post at  Got a teabag? Great!

(Thanks, Lakshmi Rajan for the image)

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